
Follow me on Twitter and Facebook for my posts on occultism, religion, and early twentieth-century Jewish pop culture.

Presentations and Lectures

“Modern Occultism in Yiddish Popular Culture” Yiddish Book Center’s Virtual Public Programs, May 11, 2023

“What does Your Dream Tell You?”: B. Rivkin and Yiddish Occultism in America,” Max Weinreich Fellowship Lecture in American Jewish Studies, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York City, May 2, 2022

“‘I Frequently Hold a Telepathic Dialogue with You’: The Correspondence of Shmuel Hugo Bergmann and R. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi,” One Biography, Multiple Places: The Life and Work of Shmuel Hugo Bergmann Between Prague and Jerusalem (1883–1975), Charles University, Prague, November 3–5, 2021

“The Séance in Polish-Jewish Life: A Case Study of Rupture and Continuity,” Bridging Divides: Rupture and Continuity in Polish Jewish History, Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, May 23–26, 2022 (presentation begins at 20:50)

“How to Tell Your Fortune in Yiddish,” UJA Commitee for Yiddish and the California Institute for Yiddish Language & Culture, June 2, 2024

“Cosmic Love in Zion: Esotericism and Sexual Eschatology in the Hebrew Writings of Abraham Mordecai Harizman (1884–1978),” Esotericism and the Varieties of Transformation, Embassy of the Free Mind, Amsterdam, July 26–27, 2021

Guest Lecture: Around the Séance Table, Ohev Shalom The National Synagogue, January 25, 2022


Rokhl Kafrissen, “Use Your Illusion: The Yiddish side of the spiritualist movement,” Tablet, 19 April 2022

Larry Yudelson, “A talk on the wild side: Scholar explores Jewish occultism in Eastern Europe,” Jewish Standard, 26 October 2022

When Jewish Women Talked to the Dead,” Can We Talk?, Episode 82, Jewish Women’s Archive (Released 24 October 2022)
